Silk first Produced in China - 3000 B.C.

First produced in China in 3,000 BC. According to ancient records, the Empress, known as the lady of Si-ling, wife of a famous Emperor, Huang-ti (2640 B.C.), encouraged the cultivation of the mulberry tree, the rearing of the worms and the reeling of silk. Silk was first reserved for the Emperors of China, it's use spread gradually through the Chinese culture. This marked the beginning where silken garments began to reach regions throughout Asia. Silk rapidly became a popular luxury fabric in many areas accessible to Chinese merchants. Silk captured the imagination ever since the Han Dynasty opened the "Silk Road". Items brought from India included ivory, gems, and spices, with some silk on-shipped from Chinese sources (silk worms were unknown outside China) Silk started arriving from China by overland routes that became known as "The Silk Road". Caravans with one hundred people travelled the Silk Road to Europe, India and Asia.

First dynasty of China - 2205 B.C.

Hsia , The first historic dynasty of China, ruled, according to traditional dates, from 2205 B.C. to 1766 B.C. This dynasty is said to have been founded by Yu, the culture hero of China who built canals to control floods and then divided the reclaimed land. Scanty archaeological remains suggest that the people had domestic animals, wheat and millet, the potter's wheel, bronze weapons, and war chariots. The Hsia dynasty was succeeded by the Shang.

The geographical direction of different
families in accordance with Genesis 10.

     In the dispersion families were grouped together and for the most part migrated in one general direction. To illustrate, the following is a selected list of names from the genealogies of each of Noah's sons with the general geographical location associated with each, from the historical record.

The Descendants of Japheth: The Indo-European of western Asia and of Europe. (Gen. 10:2-4)

Gomer: Probably the Cimmerians which are mentioned by Homer as the people of the far north (Odys. xl. 14). They are believed to be identical with the Cimmerians of Roman times and the Cymry of Wales.12

Magog: Josephus and Greek writers generally relate them as the Scythians of Southern Europe. Also associated with the Tartars of Russia.13

Madai:  Medes who lived in area of Caspian Sea.14

Javan: Comes from the term Ionian which means Greeks.

The Descendants of Ham: The Egyptians, Ethiopians, Libyans and Canaanites. Gen. 10:6-20.

Cush: Peoples of central and Southern Arabia.15 &nbshp; The Ethiopians are shown as being inhabitants of both sides of the Red Sea. Also, they had a skin of a different appearance. (Jer. 13:23) Pictures on monuments show that they were a mixed race, some Negro, some Semite and some Caucasian.16 This is a very important fact and will be referred to later.

Mizraim: Refers to areas of upper and lower Nile River of Egypt thus a reference to Egyptians.

Phut: Generally associated with the Egyptians and more specifically Libya.17

Canaan: The area settled by Canaan and his sons was west of the River Jordan. His first born

Sidon (Zidon) name stood for the whole Phoenician coast.18

The Descendants Shem: The peoples of the Middle East and Southern Asia. Gen. 10:21-32.

Eber: Abraham was the sixth generation of Eber who settled in Mesopotamia in the area of Ur of the Chaldees (Gen. 11).

Elam: Geographically the region beyond the Tigris River, east of Babylonia. The Elamites became a strong nation and were recognized as sovereign by the Babylonian states.19

Asshur:  The Assyrians of the head waters of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.

Lud:  The Lydians of Asia Minor.

Aram: Aramaeans of Syria and Mesopotamia.

     From these observations it seems that Shem's progeny settled in the Middle East, Ham's people went south into Africa and Japheth's descendants migrated north into Western Asia and Europe.

The Earth Landmass is Divided - 2218 B.C.

"And God said, Let the water under the heaved be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear; and it was so." The Hebrew word used to describe this one place is 'maqom' it means one bed. As a result, there seems be a very strong indication from Scripture that the earth indeed was originally one land mass. ....  The Pangaea theory states that all present continents were once together and collectively known as a 'supercontinent' called a Pangaea. The word 'Pangaea' means 'all lands' in Greek, accurately defining the way the continents were before it split up. These split-up pieces drifted slowly apart and became the way they are today. Even until now, the shape of the Earth surface is still changing as long as the mantle underneath the Earth's crust gets heated and convection currents in the magma keeps dragging the plates.

Genesis 10:25. says, "And unto Eber was born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his day was the earth divided; and his brother name was Joktan".. God originally created the earth as one landmass (Gen. 1:9-10) and subsequently divided the physical earth as part of His judgment for the rebellion at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. The Native Americans already inhabited the land when God divided it and set the bounds of their habitation (Acts 17:26)........ by Richard Jordan

 The Hydro-Plate Theory and The Great Flood

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