the Law of Moses or Torah

Not to take a pledge from a widow (Deut. 24:17)
Not to commit fraud in measuring (Lev. 19:35)
To ensure that scales and weights are correct (Lev. 19:36)
Not to possess inaccurate measures and weights (Deut. 25:13-14)
Not to delay payment of a hired man's wages (Lev. 19:13)
That the hired laborer shall be permitted to eat of the produce he is reaping (Deut. 23:25-26)
That the hired laborer shall not take more than he can eat (Deut. 23:25)
That a hired laborer shall not eat produce that is not being harvested (Deut. 23:26)
To pay wages to the hired man at the due time (Deut. 24:15)
Not to muzzle a beast, while it is working in produce which it can eat and enjoy (Deut. 25:4)
That a man should fulfill whatever he has uttered (Deut. 23:24)
Not to swear needlessly (Ex. 20:7)
Not to violate an oath or swear falsely (Lev. 19:12)
Not to break a vow (Num. 30:3)
Not to delay in fulfilling vows or bringing vowed or free-will offerings (Deut. 23:22)
Not to appoint as a judge, a person who is not well versed in the laws of the Torah even if he is expert in other branches of knowledge (Deut. 1:17)
To adjudicate cases of inheritances (Num. 27:8-11)
To adjudicate cases of damage caused by fire (Ex. 22:5)
That one who possesses evidence shall testify in Court (Lev. 5:1)
Not to testify falsely (Ex. 20:13)
Not to decide a case on the evidence of a single witness (Deut. 19:15)
To treat parties in a litigation with equal impartiality (Lev. 19:15
Not to render iniquitous decisions (Lev. 19:15)
Not to favor a great man when trying a case (Lev. 19:15)
Not to take a bribe (Ex. 23:8)
Not to be afraid of a bad man, when trying a case (Deut. 1:17)
Not to be moved in trying a case, by the poverty of one of the parties (Ex. 23:3; Lev. 19:15
Not to pervert the judgment of strangers or orphans (Deut. 24:17)
Not to render a decision on one's personal opinion, but only on the evidence of two witnesses, who saw what actually occurred (Ex. 23:7)
To make a parapet for your roof (Deut. 22:8)
Not to sell a field in the land of Israel in perpetuity (Lev. 25:23)
Not to remove landmarks (property boundaries) (Deut. 19:14)
Not to steal personal property (Lev. 19:11)
To restore that which one took by robbery (Lev. 5:23)
Not to slay an innocent person (Ex. 20:13)
Not to kidnap any person of Israel (Ex. 20:13)
Not to rob by violence (Lev. 19:13)
Not to defraud (Lev. 19:13)
Not to covet what belongs to another (Ex. 20:14)
Not to crave something that belongs to another (Deut. 5:18)
Not to indulge in evil thoughts and sights (Num. 15:39)
That the Court shall pass sentence of death by decapitation with the sword (Ex. 21:20; Lev. 26)
That the Court shall pass sentence of death by strangulation (Lev. 20:10)
That the Court shall pass sentence of death by burning with fire (Lev. 20:14)
That the Court shall pass sentence of death by stoning (Deut. 22:24)
To hang the dead body of one who has incurred that penalty (Deut. 21:22)
That the dead body of an executed criminal shall not remain hanging on the tree over night (Deut. 21:23)
To exile one who committed accidental homicide (Num. 35:25)
To adjudge a thief to pay compensation or (in certain cases) suffer death (Ex. 21:16; Ex. 21:37; Ex. 22:1)
That he who inflicts a bodily injury shall pay monetary compensation (Ex. 21:18-19)
That the violator (of an unbetrothed virgin) shall marry her (Deut. 22:28-29)

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