The Tabernacle in the Wilderness

Ward R. Williams Ph. D. University of Minnesota


THE HOLY PLACE is a room with no natural light. It contains three Supernatural Mysteries whose meaning is revealed to us by the Holy Spirit. These mysteries symbolize three spiritual provisions available to any one who has been to the ALTAR and to the LAVER. The seven - branched Lampstand Ex 25: 31 - 40 represents Supernatural Guidance from the Holy Spirit. The Table of Bread Ex 25: 23 - 30 or Bread of Life gives us Supernatural strength to carry out God's will, The Altar of Incense Ex 27: 1 - 8 represents Supernatural Prayer or praying in the Holy Spirit.


The centerpiece of the Tabernacle was the Ark of the Covenant, Ex 25: 8 - 22 a small gold plated wooden box, approximately four feet long, and two feet high and two feet wide, with a lid mde of solid gold. Inside of this box were the Ten Commandments engraved on two stones--the second set which was given to Moses. Ex 34: 1 - 27 On each end of the lid of the box was a carved wooden cherubim, gold-plated. The cherubim faced each other forming an empty triangular space above the Ark.