and the Promised Land
About 2000 years before
Jesus was born, there lived a man named Abram, who is
spoken of in the Bible as the friend of God (Isaiah
41:8). He lived in the town of Ur Kasdim in Iraq, about
800 miles to the east of the land of Israel.The greatest
commercial capital of the world at that time was Ur but
the people of Ur knew nothing of the true God. They
worshipped many false gods. The original people, from
whom Abraham was called were descendants of Shem, Noah's
son.... Abraham's father Terah had 2 other sons, Nahor
and Haran the father of Lot (Gen 11:27). At the age of
forty, Abram and his family moved to Haran, about 600
miles (975 kilometers) to the northwest.
There, at the age of 75,
he received his calling from God... "The Lord said to
Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's
household and go to the land I will show you. I will make
you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make
your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless
those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."
(Genesis 12:1-3).
migrates to Haran (caravan city)
arrives in Canaan April 15 1892 B.C.
On arriving in Canaan on
April 15 1892 B.C., he travels as far as Shechem in the
center of the land and is promised that the whole of the
land will be his. The Lord appeared to him and told him
that, "To your offspring I will give this land." (Genesis
Abraham was born in
1967 B.C. in Ur Kasdim in Mesopotamia (Iraq) then moved
with his father to Haran (northern Syria/southern Turkey)
and that is where he got the instructions to go to
Canaan, the Promised Land. God said to Abram: "Go from
your land ... to the land that I will show you." (Genesis
12:1) On that day, April 15 1892 B.C., God made a
covenant with Abram, saying: "To your descendants I have
given this land, from the river of Egypt as far as the
great river the Euphrates. The land of the Kenites,
Kenizites, Kadmonites; the Hittites, Perizzites,
Rephaims; the Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and
Jebusites." (Genesis 15:18-21) "And I will give to you
and to your descendants after you, the land wherein thou
art a stranger all the land of Canaan as an eternal
possession and I will be a God to them." (Genesis
The journey into Egypt
was apparently made not long after Abraham entered
Canaan. Drought and famine, which intermittently brought
suffering to Palestinian dwellers coimpelled him to seek
food in a land where there was usually plenty in spite of
the fact that there is practically no rainfall (Gen
12:10). While in Egypt, fear for his personal safety led
the patriarch to represent Sarah as only his sister. This
manifest lack of faith in God to protect His servants
resulted in embarrassment and in Abraham's expulsion from
the land (vs. 11to20). When Abraham returned to Canaan he
is described as being "very rich in cattle, in silver,
and in gold" (ch 13:1, 2). Lot also "had flocks, and
herds, and tents" (v 5). Insufficient pasturage and water
for these large herds led the patriarch and his nephew to
separate. Lot settled first in the luxuriant Jordan
Valley and later "pitched his tent toward Sodom," whereas
Abraham returned to Mamre, near Hebron (vs. 6 to18) where
he remained for approximately 20 years.
Abraham and Lot seperate
During this residence at
Mamre a number of important events occurred. The first of
these was an invasion of Canaan by a confederacy of four
kings from Mesopotamia under the leadership of
Chedorlaomer (Gen 14:1 to 10). Five kings in the vicinity
of Sodom banded together against the invaders, but were
defeated, with the result that their peoples and property
were lost (vs. 11, 12). Upon learning that his nephew was
in the hands of the invading army, Abraham pursued the
Mesopotamian kings with his own private army of 318 men
and rescued the captives from the vicinity of Sodom,
together with their possessions (vs. 13 to16). It was
upon his return from this expedition that Abraham met,
and paid "tithes of all" to, Melchizedek, priest and
ruler of Salem, as Jerusalem was then known (vs. 17
to24). Soon after this experience the Lord entered into
solemn covenant with the patriarch, assuring him that,
eventually, his descendants would possess Canaan as their
own (ch 15). As the years went by at Mamre without the
birth of an heir, Abraham took matters into his own hands
and married Hagar, his wife's Egyptian maid, who
presented him with his first son, Ishmael (ch 16:1 to 4).
This ill-advised marriage brought discord into the home
which culminated in the eventual banishment of Hagar and
Ishmael from the home (chs 16:5 to 16; 21:9 to
"The Angel Of The Lord
called to Abraham from heaven a second time and said, "I
swear by myself, declares The Lord, that because you have
done this and have not withheld your son, your only son
(Isaac), I will surely bless you and make your
descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as
the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take
possession of the cities of their enemies, and through
your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed,
because you have obeyed Me." (Genesis 22:15 to18)
Abraham remained in the
vicinity of Gera and Beer-sheba until Isaac reached
manhood (vs. 22 to 34). It was while the patriarchal home
was at Beer-sheba that God tested Abraham's faith by
calling upon him to offer his son as a sacrifice. Toward
the close of this period of his sojourn in Canaan,
Abraham returned to Hebron, where, a the age of 127
years, Sarah died (Gen 23:1, 2). By purchase from a local
Hittite, Abraham came into possession of the first
portion of Canaan that he could call his own, the Cave of
Machpelah and the field in which it was
located&emdash;and it was there he buried his beloved
wife (vs. 3 to20).
Later life and old age.
With the passing of Sarah, Abraham realised that his own
life might soon end. Though Isaac was nearly 40 years of
age he was yet unmarried, and the patriarch felt
constrained to make provision for the perpetuation of the
family line concerning which the promises had been made.
Accordingly, he sent his trusted servant Eliezer to
Mesopotamia, where his kinsmen (Gen 22:20 to24) lived, to
arrange for a wife for Isaac who might be expected to
understand and appreciate the covenant privileges and
responsibilities (ch 24:1 to 9). The mission was
successful, and in due time Eliezer returned to Canaan
with Rebekah, a daughter of Bethuel, Abraham's nephew, a
son of his brother Nahor (vs. 10 to 67). Love cemented
the union thus arranged, and some 20 years later the
first children were born (ch 25:20 to26). For about 35
years after his marriage, Isaac shared the ancestral home
with his father Abraham, who married again and reared
several children born to him by his wife Keturah (vs. 1
to 4)
Prior to his death, at
the age of 175 years, Abraham arranged for the transfer
of all his property, with the rights and privileges
appertaining to it, to Isaac as heir to the covenant
promises (Gen 25:5), while to his other sons he gave
substantial gifts of cattle and herds and sent them away
to the eastward (v 6). Ishmael and Isaac buried their
father in the Cave of Machpelah, the place where Sarah
had been buried some time earlier (vs. 8 to
"And Rebekah lifted up
her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she alighted from the
camel, and said to the servant, "Who is the man yonder,
walking in the field to meet us?" The servant said, "It
is my master." So she took her veil and covered herself.
And the servant told Isaac all the things that he had
done. Then Isaac brought her into the tent, and took
Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her. So
Isaac was comforted after his mother's death." (Genesis
24:64-67 RSV)
"Abraham took another
wife, whose name was Keturah. She bore him Zimran,
Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah." (Gen.25:1-2 )
who Abraham later sent away eastward to the east country
from what became the land of Israel (the God-commanded
property of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
-where they founded some of the Arabian nations of today
Midian was one of the
sons of Keturah. Centuries after Abraham, did Moses marry
and have children with Zipporah, the daughter of Jethro
the Midianite?
In spite of the frailties
that are common to man, Abraham persevered in his
life-long purpose to follow wherever God should lead,
whether it be on the long trek from Ur to Canaan or to
Mount Moriah to offer his only son, the son of the
promise. Through the fires of trial, delay, and
disappointment, his faith was perfected, so that he
became "the Friend of God" (Jas 2:23). The high esteem in
which his descendants rightfully held him
A chronology of the
Age at Birth of Son
Age at Death
Reference for Age at Birth of Son
Reference for Age at Death
Genesis 5:3
Genesis 5:5
Genesis 5:6
Genesis 5:8
Genesis 5:9
Genesis 5:11
Genesis 5:12
Genesis 5:14
Genesis 5:15
Genesis 5:17
Genesis 5:18
Genesis 5:20
Genesis 5:21
Genesis 5:23
Genesis 5:25
Genesis 5:27
Genesis 5:28
Genesis 5:31
Note 1
Genesis 9:29
Genesis 11:10
Genesis 11:11
Genesis 11:12
Genesis 11:13
Genesis 11:14
Genesis 11:15
Genesis 11:16
Genesis 11:17
Genesis 11:18
Genesis 11:19
Genesis 11:20
Genesis 11:21
Genesis 11:22
Genesis 11:23
Genesis 11:24
Genesis 11:25
Note 2
Genesis 11:32
Genesis 21:5
Genesis 25:7
Genesis 25:26
Genesis 35:28
Note 3
Genesis 47:28
Genesis 50:22
The Promised Land is
described for us in detail in the Bible "The Lord said to
Abram 'Now lift up your eyes and look from the place
where you are, northward and southward and eastward and
westward; for all the land which you see, I will give it
to you and to your descendants forever... Arise, walk
about the land through its length and breadth; for I will
give it to you'" (Genesis 13:14 to 17). "The Lord made a
covenant with Abraham, saying, 'To your descendants I
have given this Land, from the river of Egypt as far as
the great river, the river Euphrates'" (Genesis 15:18 to
21). "I will fix your boundary from the Red Sea to the
sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the
River Euphrates" (Exodus 23:31). The entire Land of
Israel, including Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank"),
Gaza, the Golan Heights, and all of Jerusalem, was given
by the Lord to the people of Israel in
complete description of the land which Abram's seed was
to inherit is shown above
boundaries are from the River Euphrates (at the top of
the map), to the Hills of Lebanon, to the great sea (the
Mediterranean), to the great Egyptian river. The great
Egyptian river is what we call the Suez Canal. A small
river was connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red
Sea before they installed the Canal.
Cuneiform tablets found at Ebla state, that "Assyrian
kings went across the desert and fought a battle at the
great Egyptian river. Then they proceeded westward to
fight another battle at the Nile."
of the worst natural disasters in U.S History
said that in the end time He would restore the land of
Israel and the people of Israel back to their land. Bill
Clinton began to encourage Israel to divide her Covenant
Promised Land. From that moment the U.S. has experienced
12 of the worst natural disasters in U.S.
Jihad, Yasser Arafat's deputy, at the PLO's Algiers
summit in 1988 said: 'What we are doing is carrying out a
two-phase strategy. This is a policy that says first we
get a Palestinian State next to Israel, then we use it as
a base to destroy what remains of Israel. In order to get
to the first step we must persuade the world of our good
intentions, that we don't intend to carry out the second
phase.'.... In other words these are deceptions aimed at
gaining the support of the nations of the world for a
policy which in fact they would disapprove of, namely the
destruction of Israel. --- According to the Koran,
muslims are not obligated to honor any agreement or peace
treaty made with non-muslims
In 1991,
The U.S. State Department drafted the Madrid peace
conference, a conference designed to force Israel to give
up land for peace. The conference was to begin on October
That same day
largest storm of Atlantic history, formed in one day off
the coast of Nova Scotia and started moving westward.
Recorded by meteorologists as one of the most powerful
storms ever, it damaged the entire east coast and slammed
30 foot waves into the shore.
1992, The
Madrid peace conference was to resume on August 23, again
pressuring Israel to surrender land in exchange for
The same day,
Hurricane Andrew slammed into southern Florida, the worst
natural disaster to to hit the United States up to that
time with an estimated $25 billion in damage
1994 Nobel Peace Prize
the progress in the negotiation with the Palestinians,
Rabin received the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize together with
Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and PLO Chairman
November 4, 1995,
Rabin was assassinated
by a
gunman in central Tel Aviv after attending a rally. He
was laid to rest on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. In April,
1997 President Clinton vetoes the Partial-Birth Abortion
In 1995
Israel and Jordan sign a peace treaty and the United
States Congress passed a resolution requiring that
America's embassy be built in Jerusalem by 1999. The
nations of the world all have their embassies in Tel
Aviv. However President Clinton refused to allow it to
be....On January 21, 1998 the Monica Lewinsky scandal
broke into the media and the proceedings consumed a major
portion of Clinton's time and energy.
December 12, 1998, President Clinton visited the
Palestinian-controlled section of Israel to discuss the
land for peace process on
same day,the
House of Representatives voted four articles of
impeachment against him. Recently the Oprah TV Show
stated that many US school children now engage in oral
sex even in the rear of the school bus because everybody
does it - it is not actually having sex according to
President Clinton; they say.
September 20 1998, as Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright works on the final details of an agreement in
which Israel would give up 13 percent of Judah and
same day ..Hurricane
George is formed with 110 mph winds and gusts up to 175
mph. The hurricane is moving at breakneck speed and hits
the U.S. coast and stalls causing continuous
September 28 1998 as the hurricane stalls, Clinton meets
with Yasser Arafat and Netanyahu at the White House to
finalize this land deal. Later, Yasser Arafat addresses
the United Nations about declaring an independent
Palestinian state, all the while the stalled Hurricane
George pounds the Gulf Coast, causing enormous
same day
Arafat departs the country, the storm begins to
October 16 1998 Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinians
and Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel met at
the Wye River Plantation on Chesapeake Bay. They were
outside of Washington DC in
next day.
October 17 1998, awesome rains and tornadoes hit southern
Texas. The San Antonio area was deluged with rain. The
rain and flooding in Texas continued until October 22 and
then subsided. The floods ravaged 25 percent of Texas and
left over a billion dollars in damage. On October 21st
President Clinton declared this section of Texas a major
disaster area.
November 30 1998, Yasser Arafat came to Washington DC
again to meet with President Clinton to raise money for a
Palestinian State. The goal was to have Jerusalem as the
capital. A total of 42 nations were represented in
Washington. All the nations agreed to give Arafat and the
Palestinians more than $3 billion in aid. President
Clinton promised $400 million in American aide while the
European nations contributed more than $1 billion.
the same day,
the Dow dropped 216 points and the very next day on
December 1st 1998 the European Market had its third worst
day in history. Hundreds of billions of dollars of market
capital were wiped out.
On May 3,
1999, the day that Yasser Arafat was scheduled to declare
a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital,
same day
the most powerful tornado storm system ever to hit the
United States, a Super Tornado swept across Oklahoma and
Kansas. The winds were clocked at the fastest wind speeds
ever recorded. The declaration was postponed at the
request of President Clinton.
October of 1999 , As Jewish settlers in 15 Israeli
settlements on the West Bank were evicted from covenant
land at the urging of the US, the the same day the Dow
Jones Industrial averages lost 5.7 percent and on n
October 15th the Dow lost another 266 points, and a
hurricane slammed into North Carolina.
next day,
October 16, 1999 the fifth most powerful earthquake in
the 20th Century, rocked the U.S..The quake was centered
near Joshua Tree, California and was felt in three
Bush Jr. pledged to stay out of the peace negotiations
begun by Bill Clinton between Israel and the
Palestinians, but shortly into his administration, he
changed his mind In June of 2001, President George Bush
Jr. sent CIA director George Tenet to Israel to attempt
to implement the Mitchell Plan, a plan calling for among
other things, cessation of new building in the Jewish
settlements. On
the same day
that Tenet met with Israeli and Palestinian officials,
tropical storm Allison formed in the Gulf of Mexico and
moved over Texas, the President's home state, and dropped
over twenty-eight inches of rain over the Houston area
alone, causing over $4 billion dollars in damage. The
storm then moved to Florida and up the east coast causing
damage as far as Pennsylvania. Meteorologists claimed
Allison was one of the worst tropical storms in
On August
23 2005, with U.S. encouragement 10,000 Israelis are
evacuated from Gaza and thousands lose their
same day,
hurricane Katrina is formed near the Bahamas. When it
strikes 2,000,000 Americans are evacuated from the Gulf
Coast, 2000 people die and 350,000 lose their homes. .The
damage is 200 billion dollars.according to NBC News, This
is the worst natural disaster to ever hit the United
2,000,000 Americans evacuated
U.S. micromanages Gaza evacuation of five West Bank
16, 2007, © WorldNetDaily.com .....
Palestinian and Israeli diplomatic sources speaking to
WND today said the evacuation of the five West Bank
communities was heavily micromanaged by officers of the
U.S. consulate in Jerusalem. One Palestinian official
said that at one point last week, Palestinian Authority
officials were calling into the U.S. consulate several
times per hour to report on the Israeli evacuation.
..Israel National News reported the Israeli police
brutalized several Jewish activists while attempting to
evacuate the community. ."The United States sees the
establishment of a Palestinian state and a two-state
solution as absolutely essential for the future, not just
of Palestinians and Israelis but also for the Middle East
and indeed to American interests," Rice said.
17 Fires Scorch California
Following the latest Gaza
evacuation micromanaged by Condoleeza Rice, more than
500,000 people have been ordered to evacuate parts of the
US state of California being engulfed by massive
wildfires. Fierce winds are fanning 17 fires (see above)
that have scorched land stretching from Santa Barbara to
the Mexican border. National Guard troops and Red Cross
workers have been called in to help. The fires had
consumed well over 1,400 homes and commercial structures,
with the authorities reporting that 68,500 homes remained
threatened. President George W Bush has declared a state
of emergency in seven counties in California, authorising
Fema to tackle the fires..
Clinton uses Army Tanks against American citizens
February 28, 1993, ATF agents in National Guard
helicopters zoomed in on the Branch Davidians' church and
home, Mount Carmel Center, they did so with guns
blazing,. Bill and Hilary Clinton, Janet Reno and
Democratic presidential candisate, General Wesley Clark
who supplied the Army tanks, were responsible for the
deaths of more than 74 men, women and children who died
in the inferno, including twelve children younger than
five years of age. David Koresh's unarmed father-in-law,
who stood with him at the front door of the church while
the unarmed Koresh begged ATF agents to back off, was
killed by gunfire from ATF agents on the ground. The
agents shot wildly and threw grenades at the building for
more than an hour, even as Davidians called "911" to beg
for a ceasefire. ATF snipers later killed one Davidian as
he tried to reenter the Mount Carmel Church to join his
At dawn
on April 19, 1993, and throughout the morning, tanks
rammed holes in the main building and pumped (in the
FBI's words) "massive amounts" of CS gas into the
building, despite knowing that inside were more than a
dozen children. The tanks demolished parts of the
compound and created tunnels for the wind to blow
through. The buildings at this point were saturated with
inflammable CS gas and spilled kerosene. ...Around midday
two U.S. military pyrotechnic devices were fired into the
main building, igniting a fire which (because of the
holes in the walls allowed the wind to gust through)
spread rapidly through the complex of buildings and
became an inferno and more than 74 men, women and
children died. Fire trucks were prevented by the FBI from
approaching the inferno. After the compound had burned
down the ATF flag was hoisted aloft to signify 'victory'.
The local
sheriff investigated and found no basis for complaints
against the Branch Davidians. According to him these were
law-abiding American citizens. In his April 20th news
conference Bill Clinton growled that Janet Reno should
not have to resign "because some religious fanatics
murdered themselves." Two days later he re-asserted, "I
do not think the United States government is responsible
for the fact that a bunch of fanatics decided to kill
themselves." Janet Reno told the House Judiciary
Committee hearing that early April 20th, "The second call
I got was from the president of the United States,
saying, "That-a-girl"
years to the day
after the April 19 fire, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma
City, where many federal offices were housed, was bombed.
168 people died.
In 1993, President Clinton issues five executive orders
regarding abortion issues. They include: 1) reversing
Title 10 regulations banning abortion referral by federal
employees; 2) repealing the Mexico City Policy; 3)
lifting the ban on funding for fetal tissue transplants;
4) instructing military hospitals to perform abortions;
and 5) asking the FDA to review the import ban on RU
Clinton used the strategic use of Executive Orders to
bypass Congress and the will of the American people. In
violation of the Constitutional balance of powers, Mr.
Clinton said he would legislate by Executive Order if
Congress did not bow to his legislative agenda. "I have a
continuing obligation to act, to use the authority of the
presidency and the persuasive power of the podium, to
advance America´s interests...," said Mr. Clinton.
..... There was no debate, no media coverage, and no vote
... just President Clinton signing into law whatever he
believed "is the right thing to do." "Stroke of the pen.
Law of the land. Kinda cool," said Mr. Clinton´s
senior advisor Paul Begala.
1995 both chambers wisely passed a budget bill that
allowed oil drilling in Alaska only to have President
Bill Clinton veto it...The United States Geological
Survey (USGS) estimates that the total amount of
technically recoverable oil in the coastal plain
(excluding state and native areas) is between 4.3 and
11.8 billion barrels. Today America faces a major
economic crisis because of our dependance on foreign oil.
praises Iran - Feels "at home" there
Middle East's Leading English Language Daily (by Amir
Taheri) 5, March, 2005
Where is
the country that Bill Clinton, former Democratic
president of the United States, feels ideologically most
at home?...Before you answer, here is the condition that
such a country must fulfill: It must hold several
consecutive elections that produce 70 percent majorities
for liberals and progressives. ......If you thought of
one of the Scandinavian countries or, perhaps, New
Zealand or Canada, you are wrong.
it or not, the country Bill Clinton so admires is the
Republic of Iran.
Here is what Clinton said at a meeting on the margins of
the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, just a
few weeks ago: "Iran today is, in a sense, the only
country where progressive ideas enjoy a vast
constituency. It is there that the ideas that I subscribe
to are defended by a majority."
And here
is what Clinton had to say in a recent television
interview with Charlie Rose: "Iran is the only country in
the world that has now had six elections since the first
election of President Khatami (in 1997). (It is) the only
one with elections, including the United States,
including Israel, including you name it, where the
liberals, or the progressives, have won two-thirds to 70
percent of the vote in six elections: Two for president;
two for the Parliament, the Majlis; two for the
mayoralties. In every single election, the guys I
identify with got two-thirds to 70 percent of the vote.
There is no other country in the world I can say that
about, certainly not my own."
surprisingly, Clinton's utterances have been seized upon
by the state-controlled media in Tehran as a means of
countering President George W. Bush's claim that the
Islamic Republic is a tyranny that oppresses the Iranians
and threatens the stability of the region.
does not seem to remember images of American diplomats
paraded in front of TV cameras, blindfolded, and
threatened with summary execution every day. Images that
did lasting damage to the good name of Iran as a
civilized nation. Clinton also ignored the fact that
Iranian agents in Lebanon, led by the liberal progressive
Ayatollah Ali-Akbar Mohtashami, organized and carried out
a string of terrorist attacks in the 1980s that cost the
lives of over 300 US citizens, including 240
praises Hamas
June 23, (by Joseph Farah) During a speech to Ireland's
eighth annual Forum on Human Rights, the 83-year-old
former Democratic president called for recognition of one
of the most vile, hateful, murderous terrorist groups in
the world, Hamas, a strategic ally of both al-Qaida and
Hezbollah. ... Frankly, Carter seems to be a fan of
Hamas. He commended the group's "superior skills and
discipline" in routing Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction. The
U.S. is the rogue or the criminal. .... To Carter, Hamas
is a victim.
1989 during Bill Clinton's second term as U.S.
President, MAK the American CIA in Afghanistan
joined with Saudi-born Osama Bin Laden's
Mujahedeen (Holy Warriors.). Bin Laden became
the head CIA man in charge of MAK during the
Afghan War.....On September 11, 2001. shortly
after Hilary Clinton became a Democratic Senator
from New York. Islamic terrorists slipped in and
slit the throats of unsuspecting pilots and
destroyed the New York World Trade Center and
part of the Pentagon. "This is an insane
instance of the chickens coming home to roost,"
one U.S. diplomat in Pakistan told the Los
Angeles Times. "